Written Teachings & Wisdom

Tag Archives: love

The Prayer is everything.

“The Prayer is everything. Being willing to make a better prayer at every challenging juncture of our lives is what makes our Universe continually changing and healing. Each challenge is a nexus of healing and healers, and each better prayer is a point of departure for the next one. In this way we each make our own path thru the web of life, and over the arc of time we learn to love and trust whatever we call God.”

We can pray for…

“We can pray for a person in our lives to meet us fully in a place of love. After the prayer, there is the challenge of faith in that prayer, and inevitably, there is the manifestation. Having been and being fully met, there is nothing to do but to be loving. None of our fearful and fearsome defensive thoughts, ideas, opinions, preferences and actions prove to be helpful in any way. We can pray to be aware that we made a prayer for someone to LOVE. Our defenses will dissolve as we begin to only practice love. When we experience ourselves and each other as completely vulnerable, we will know an intimacy for which we could have never formulated a prayer. This is the God in the Love.”

Everybody’s different.

“Everybody’s different. No one is just like anyone else. No one is replaceable. No one is a substitute for anybody. Creator made us this way, one at a time, to teach us the precious uniqueness of Creation. Sometimes the mind tries to sort people into categories and compare one to another. Sometimes the mind says there are too many of this one or not enough of that one. That is what mind does. The heart however can only feel the truth, which is bottomless love and overwhelming appreciation. The majesty of the gift of us ALL! More life, please…”

When I begin to thank Creator…

“When I begin to thank Creator for Everything in my life including each and every Grace I have received I haven’t time to be in fear and doubt.
Each loss and problem and suffering and failure was a  misunderstood gift that led me to this perfect moment, filled with love and gratitude.”

A thing a place a person…

“A thing a place a person becomes Sacred when we treat it as Sacred. In this Way, Everything and Everyone can be made Sacred through our mindful Love. This is how we can Heal ourselves and everything else. Mitakuye Oasin…”

Our old ideas

Our old ideas about our essential nature and the nature of love, loss and relationships are shown, over the arc of time, to not be true to the Medicine’s teachings. By choosing to go through such prolonged exposure to what is NOT true about us as human beings, we come to stand on a worn… Continue Reading

Love What Is Left Behind

“The only effective long term response to the perilous losses we are all bound to experience as part of our human experience is to learn to love what is left behind.” – George Bertelstein Continue Reading