Elizabeth V.

“Wow. Talk about unconditional positive regard (that’s therapist talk but it about says it all)… George has this super intelligent, amazing, Mister Rogers crossed with Yoda kind of presence…and best of all he does NOT sit there and ask you “how did that make you feel?”, which I regard as grounds to walk out of any office where you are paying by the hour. I’d trust him with ANY issue, with my heart and my kids’ hearts, or for that matter anyone on the planet’s heart. This is the place to start healing but you’re wasting your and his time if you aren’t really ready to heal. The good news is, it’s easier here with him than most places. And it works better. And it’s nicer. For real. I learn from him how to be me in my own me way, and that that’s a good way to be.  Awesome.”