Written Teachings & Wisdom

Compassion for ourselves

Compassion for ourselves and others is the Creator’s gift to us as the only honorable response to the constant humbling challenges of being fully present and human. No other species are using a moment of their precious time trying to be more like us. Continue Reading

Wise and humble counsel

Never encourage another human being to take an action you would not absolutely and unequivocally take yourself. When you feel the edge of your own fear touching your brother’s or your sister’s, there is the moment of true compassion and the possibility of offering genuinely wise and humble counsel. Continue Reading

The peace I have prayed for…

To feel myself fully living in the center of my prayer in the center of my life in the center of my practice surrounded in every direction in time in space by other fully human human beings feeling being and doing the same…THAT is the Peace I have prayed for my whole life long. Continue Reading

A runaway horse…

It is not necessary for us to expend our precious time and effort talking about what is unnecessary to talk about. Our grievance having been fully experienced and duly noted, we can move right along inside our prayer for our life rather than running along behind it, chasing it as though it were a runaway… Continue Reading

That’s a Good Way…

We are not as fearful of change as we think we are. We are, in fact, fearful of the hard feelings we will have to experience or might trigger in others by changing. The prayer is “Help me to have ALL my hard feelings and behave exactly the way I would want to see myself… Continue Reading

Being opposed to our own nature

Being opposed to our own nature does not change it; attempting to destroy ourselves or others because there is something about the fundamental nature of human beings we cannot accept is impossible. There is too much God, too much Water and too much Light in the least of us to ever really disappear. Continue Reading

Our lives are very fragile

Our lives are very fragile. We are only one prayer away from every kind of terribleness. Always. Our lives are very fragile. We are only one prayer away from every kind of blessedness. Always. Continue Reading

When one of us falls

It is like this: When one of us falls, we are all bereaved, like wolves who have lost one of their number. Our hearts are one heart and it costs us each a piece of ourselves, gladly given and deeply felt, to make the circle a little tighter, a little warmer, a little more loving… Continue Reading


Addiction is self-exile from the business at hand. Every prayer we make for our liberation from addiction is an act of self-inclusion. Continue Reading


Gossip is an ancient practice of intimacy that does not work. Instead of binding communities together, it ensures that some members of the community feel small, weak and fearful and other members feel momentarily superior. It dis-integrates communities of all kinds by replacing love with ideas opinions and preferences of how a human being ought… Continue Reading