Written Teachings & Wisdom

Whenever we feel…

“Whenever we feel critical or impatient with the form or pace of another human being’s healing, we can ask, “Does he/she not have his or her own personal relationship with Creator?”. In this way we can gently return to our selves.”  – George Bertelstein Continue Reading

The Great Medicines…

“The Great Medicines most generously allow us to see ourselves as truly the principle and most responsible players on the vast stage of our human lives. Our Creator is mindful of each nuance of every performance and celebrates every effort and applauds every single failure.” ~George Bertelstein Continue Reading

The Medicine…

“The Medicine has one answer for all of our questions. One solution for all our problems. One cure for the dis-ease we may feel about being human beings. More life. MORE life. More LIFE!!!!” – George Bertelstein Continue Reading

The Sacraments…

“The Sacraments all teach the same thing: The complete acceptance of each person, place, thing and situation for exactly what they are and the peace that derives from our efforts at impeccable relationship with Everything.”  ~George Bertelstein Continue Reading

The ceremonies are given to us…

“The ceremonies are given to us to help us to remember to pray and to be humble, always. When we are always humble and always praying, we won’t need the ceremonies any more.”   – George Bertelstein Continue Reading

The 99%

“The 99% are the ones who understand on some level that We Are All Relations…Bless our lives and this great healing of the Human Beings!”  – George Bertelstein Continue Reading